We have 3 options for tailoring job splits: 

1. TAILORING JOB -  Option #1 Default: Tailoring job splits

-  This is with the AUTO SPLIT setting enabled in the store configuration. The system by default will split the invoice by service type. 

The invoice split setting should be set to "Auto Split"


We have 3 pcs of DC and 1 of them includes a Tailoring job

Note: When adding a description to an item, it will be added automatically to the linked tailoring item. In the example below, cream, plain, and cotton were added to the pants. When the tailoring job for pants was added, all the descriptions were also added to the tailoring job. 

Invoice Printout

        - The first invoice will show the TAILORING job which is the 17274-1 and the second invoice will show only the dry cleaning jobs which is the 17274-2. 


Customer Receipt Printout

        - For the customer receipt printout, it will show all the items including the tailoring job.

2. TAILORING JOB -  Option #2 Cleaning + Repair use same tag

- With the "repair_use_item_tag": "true" enabled, it will put the tailoring items in the same invoice by using the same tag as the item.

Example: (I used the exact same orders)

As seen in the example below, 2 items have a DT tag and 2 have a D tag. In this case, DT will go together in one printout and all D will be in another printout.

Invoice Printout

    - The first invoice, which is 17275-1, will show the cleaning job and the tailoring job, which have the same DT tag. wherein the second invoice, which is 17275-2, will show all the dry cleaning items. 

Customer Receipt Printout

   - Same as #1, it will show all the items including the tailoring job. 

3. TAILORING JOB - Option #3 Merge Repair

- With the setting "merge_repair": "true" enabled, it will merge the Tailoring Items in the item itself instead of 2 lines.

Example: (I used the exact same orders)

The cleaning job and the tailoring job merge together, and the price of the two adds up in just one line (DT tag). 

Invoice Printout

- The first invoice, which is 17276-1, will show the combined cleaning and tailoring job. The second invoice, which is 17276-2, will have all the dry cleaning items. 

Customer Receipt Printout

    - For the customer receipt, it will show 1 combined cleaning and tailoring job and the other 2 DC items.