When you first configure your system, or as your team grows. One of the first steps will be to add new employees to your team.


1. From the Main Menu, press the Office button.



2. At the Office Menu, press the Employees button.



3. On the Employees section, click on the Add Employee button.



4. Pressing the Add Employee button will present you with a blank form to enter the new employee’s information. The first step is to select an employee role. The role will determine what fields are required to create this employee. Below is a breakdown of the roles.


Team Roles

• Store Owner
o Access to login and open the application for the store
o Access to Front and Back Office of the system
o Cannot open a cashier period
o Cannot manually open register


• Store Manager
o Access to Front and Back Office of the system
o Cannot login to open the application for the store
o Cannot open a Cashier period
o Cannot manually open register


• Employees
o Access to Front Office of the system
o Cannot login to open the application for the store
o Cannot access Back Office
o Cannot open a cashier period
o Cannot manually open register


• Cashier
o Access to Front Office of the system
o Access to open a cashier period
o Access to manually open register
o Cannot login to open the application for the store
 o Cannot access Back Office


• Driver
o Access to Route manifest for routes to which he or she is assigned.


• Role Name (Login)
o Some roles have the Role name and then “(Login)”. This indicates that the role retains the permissions described above, but also has the ability to login into the system and open the application for the store. For these roles, the Email and Password fields will also be required, as they are necessary for the login screen.



When we mention logging in and opening the application, we mean the employee will be able to enter an email and password on this screen to open the session for the store.



5. To create a new team member simply fill out the required fields. These are designated by a red asterisk:

• First Name
• Last Name
• Employee Role
• Employee Password (The employee’s PIN) • Email & Password [Only if the Role is able to login.]


6. Once all the required information has been filled out for the specific role you are creating, simply click the save button in the top right-hand corner. You will receive a confirmation that the employee was added, and the employee will appear in the left-hand menu listed under their corresponding role.



7. When the employee is created, you will receive a green success message on the bottom-left corner of the screen. A few important notes:

a. Employee emails do not have to be real. The system will never attempt to email an employee. However, they do have to have an email format: xxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx So feel free to use easy emails that your employees will remember, for example, employeename@storename.com 
b. Keep Employee Passwords short. Employees will be prompted for this code many times during their days. We recommend numerical PINs of no longer than 4 digits. 3 digits usually works best.
c. When creating employees, the most common error is entering a duplicate Employee Password/PIN. No employees can have the same Employee Password/PIN in the same store.


8. After the employee has been created, press the Refresh button and the employee will appear in the left panel with the other created employees.