Watch the video on YouTube with timestamps in the description for ease of navigation. If you prefer to read how to do this, just continue with the article below.


1. When a customer enters your store, from the Main Menu, press the Customer Walk-In button.


2. From the Customer Search screen, enter the name of the customer you wish to find. You may search for customers by:

a. First Name
b. Last Name
c. Last 4 digits of Phone Number
d. Full Phone Number
e. Email
f. Ticket Number (Must be preceded by a “#” for example, to search for ticket number 401, you would enter “#401”. Remember that ticket numbers do NOT have dashes, so you would NOT enter “#401-1” just “#401”)
g. Customer ID (Must be preceded by a “@” for example, to search for customer ID E5, you would enter “@E5”)
h. Company Name (Must be preceded by a “*” for example, to search for company Cyberdyne, you would enter “*Cyberdyne”)
i. With your scanner, scan the barcode from any customer ticket or invoice


3. When you start entering search criteria, after the 3rd character, the system will start suggesting possible matches. If the system only finds one result, it will automatically direct you to the next screen to begin working with that customer. By default, the system will only show 5 possible matches, this can be increased if desired. Also, in situations where low bandwidth or high latency are an

issue it is recommended that the auto-suggestions be disabled. To make any of these changes, please contact


4. When ready, simply select your customer from the list and the system will direct you to the Customer Information screen so that you may begin working with your customer.