View this video in YouTube with timestamps for easier navigation. If you prefer to read how to do this, please continue with the article below.


Racking is the final step of your cleaning process. At this point, you will put a customer’s cleaned, completed invoice (order) on the rack, designating as completed and ready to be picked up/delivered to the customer. The racking process is optional. It will not prevent you from paying items or giving them to customers. The benefit to racking is that when customers come to pickup the clothing, the system will display the order’s location on your rack, making it easier and faster for your employees to find.

  1. The Racking screen is very simple and contains 3 main elements.
  2. The text field where you can enter or scan a Rack location or invoice number. Calendar showing the number of invoices (orders) due each day in red numbers and the completed invoices (orders) in green numbers.
  3. A label showing the Rack to which invoices are being added.



To begin we enter the Rack location. If you are using the system in its default configuration, this requires a “%” sign in front of the Rack name or number. This is only necessary if your Rack numbers CONTAIN dashes (“-“). If you wish to not require the “%” sign please Again, this is only an option if your Rack numbers or names DO NOT CONTAIN dashes (“-“). In this example, we will scan an invoice to Rack “%0001”. We can key in “%0001” and press the “Enter” key, or we can scan the rack barcode. If you scan, you will not need to press “enter”.


Once entered, the label on the left indicates the current rack to which you are scanning invoices.


Next, we key in an invoice number or scan the barcode to add it to the rack. Before we do that, we are going to click on the red 2 under 04/30. This shows us the list of invoices that make up that number. The red number indicates that they have not been racked.


We will now enter one of the invoices that were displayed, we will use 470-1. These numbers can be typed in or scanned from the barcode on the printed invoice.


Next, the system will show that the invoice is ready to be committed to the rack. You may continue adding more invoices to this rack location without having to re-enter/scan the Rack location. When an invoice is added to the list, if a mistake is made, it can be removed by simply clicking the red “x”.


When ready, click or touch the green Rack Invoices button on the upper right portion of the screen.


When the invoices are Racked you will receive a success confirmation on the bottom left of the screen. Also, the calendar will update to reflect the change. In this case, we now see that for 04/30 we have 1 invoice in the green column, meaning it is racked and ready to be picked up/delivered. This allows the racking team to know how much work is completed and pending each day. If configured, the following may also happen when an order is racked:

  1. An SMS message is sent notifying the customer that their clothing is racked and ready for pickup. This will only occur if the entire order is racked. For example, we used invoice 470-1, there is also a 470-2. The customer will only receive a notification when all the invoices under ticket 470 are racked. So, both 470-1 and 470-2 must be racked in any sequence for the SMS to be sent to the client.
  2. An email message is sent notifying the customer that their clothing is racked and ready for pickup. Just like with the SMS, this will only occur when all invoices under a ticket are racked.
  3. Email and/or SMS Rack notifications will only be sent once by default. This means that if you re-rack an item that had already been racked, the notification will not be sent again.

You may send an SMS, an Email, or both. Please contact with the notification(s) you wish to use for this event. Also, indicate whether you would like the notification to fire each time the item is racked or only the first time.