Customers in the Billing module are meant to be billed at time intervals that extend beyond each visit, such as, weekly or monthly. To add a customer to the Billing module, follow the following steps.
- In the customer profile, under the Details tab, click on the Billing checkbox. In this case, we are adding customer Slade Wilson for Billing. The Billing checkbox is required to have the customer appear in the Billing module.
- From this tab you can also designate a customer as a Charge customer, meaning you have their credit card on file. Selecting this checkbox will not change anything regarding the billing process. It will only add an indicator to that customer record in the billing module to remind you that it is a charge customer. This is optional.
- On the Billing Information tab, you can add additional information. Again, none of this information affects the Billing process of the system, these are just details to help you work with your customers. All of these are optional.
- Statement allows you to set the statement preference for your customer
- Billing Cycle allows you to set the date your customer will be billed
- Billing Term allows you to set the payment terms for your customer
When you are ready, click the Save button to commit your changes.
- Next, navigate to the Billing Module in the Back Office.
- On the Billing Module, note that the customer we were adding (Slade Wilson) still does not appear among the list of customers. This is done intentionally, to prevent inactive customers from appearing in the Billing module. A customer will only appear once they have an open invoice. After that, they will remain in the Billing module.
- Once an invoice is added for the customer, simply adjust the date filters to include the invoice and the customer will appear on the list. See below, Slade Wilson has been added to the list. Note the blue checkmark under email. This is how it will appear when the Email Statement preference is selected. If we had selected this to be a Charge Customer, a blue check mark would appear under the CC column. If the customer appears is assigned to a route, a blue check mark will appear in the RT column. To the right of the Email column, we can see the Billing Cycle date we selected for this customer. Again, none of those indicators affect the Billing process of the system, they are there so that you can filter and work with your customer more easily. But nothing will prevent you from Billing this customer on the 5th even if he is marked for the 1st.