In the TimeCard Manager module, you are able to add, delete and edit the time entries made by your employees from the TimeCard module (

  1. Reaching the TimeCard Manager
    To reach the TimeCard Manager module, from the Main Menu, press the Office button (Pic 1.1). From the Back Office menu, simply press the TimeCard button (Pic 1.2).

    Pic 1.1

    Pic 1.2

  2. TimeCard Manager
    The TimeCard Manager has several important interface elements.
     A. TimeCard Entries: This area displays all the time card entries for the filters in the section above.
     B. Search: You can filter the time card entries by employee if you enter their names into the search filter.
     C. Date Filters: The date filters will allow you to view the time card entries for the period of time you set. This is one of the most important fields.
     D. Period Groups: The Period options will group the time card entries by daily, weekly or monthly as selected, more information on this later in this guide.
     E. Store Filter: If you have multiple stores, you can filter the time card entries that are displayed by store, or view them for all stores.

    Pic 2.1

  3. Period Filters
    The period filters simply change the way the time entries are displayed. It will group the entries by the selected period. The default is Daily, which shows the time card entries that have been entered each day (Pic 3.1).
    With the Weekly selection (Pic 3.2), we can see that the time card entries we had seen in daily have been consolidated into 1 entry and we can see the Week # for the entry. The week number is simply number week that is for the year.
    The Monthly selection does a similar function to the Weekly selection but instead, the time card entries are grouped by month. You can see that in the record, it shows you the number of month that is being viewed.

    Pic 3.1 - Daily

    Pic 3.2 - Weekly

    Pic 3.3 – Monthly

  4. Editing Time Entries
    When employees make mistakes with their entries, it is possible for you to edit them. Note in the example below (Pic 4.1), Charles Xavier has only clocked 4.28 hours, however, he actually worked just over 8 hours.
    To edit this record, we just click in the time field and in this case I will change the “14:50:55” to “18:50:55” (Pic 4.2). Note that when you are editing the time for these entries, they must be in 24-hour format and you have preserved the time the system uses YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. When the time is updated you will receive a green success notification on the bottom left corner (Pic 4.2).

    Pic 4.1

    Pic 4.2

  5. Adding a Time Entry
     If an employee forgets to clock in completely, you can register a time entry on their behalf. To do this, simply click the New button (Pic 5.1). A modal will appear with a few elements:

     A. Employee: Is a drop-down menu that will list the employees in your store. You would select the one for which you wish to register the time entry.
     B. Start At: This is the start time (clock in) of the employee. Both the calendar and the time have pickers for easy selection.
     C. End At: This is the end time (clock out) of the employee. Both of these also have pickers for easy selection.
     D. Register: This button commits the entries to the system so that the time entry is created.

     After pressing the Register button, the entry is saved in the system and is visible on the Time Card Manager screen. You also receive a success confirmation on the bottom left of the screen (Pic 5.2).

    Pic 5.1

    Pic 5.2

  6. Deleting Time Entries
    To Delete a time entry, simply click on the little red “X” to the left of the record (Pic 6.1). A Delete Confirmation modal will appear, to delete the record simply click Yes (Pic 6.2). When the record is deleted, you will receive a success message on the bottom left of the screen (Pic 6.3).

    Pic 6.1

    Pic 6.2

    Pic 6.3

  7. Showing Salary on the TimeCard Manager
     You may have noticed a Salary field in the time card entry table. For this value to be shown, on the Employee must have salary set in the Employees section (Pic 7.1). When there is an amount in this field, the Time Card Manager will display the hourly salary, the number of hours and the total owed [hourly salary * hours worked] (Pic 7.2). This is only the simple calculation of rate times hours worked, the system does not consider or include any deductions or special processes that may be required to calculate payment amounts in your country.

    Pic 7.1

    Pic 7.2

  8. Time Card Reports
    The Time Card Manager module is meant to manage timecard entries. If you need to view them for a large period of time or need to put them into a spreadsheet for other operations, it’s best to do so from the Reports section.
    In the Reports section under:

    Report Type: 1. Store and Employees
    Select the Report: Employee Time Card

    You can view more conventional report for any time period you specify. You can also filter the report by employee to view or print individual time cards.

    Pic 8.1